Company and Missions

Project Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso rose from 32nd to 23rd place on the World Watch List in 2023. Across the country, there is strong pressure against Christians, in addition to strong violence. Followers of Jesus live in fear, as extremist groups are replacing the government, which causes many Christians to be impacted, in addition to churches, villages and work being affected. And miraculously, Company & Missions was able to support the development of an architectural design for a gospel learning, agriculture and food distribution school in Burkina Faso. A water well has already been found and now we are fighting for the construction of this school to take place so that young people and adults can study, learn about the word of God and still be fed and distribute food to the population. A real spiritual training and food distribution center will take place in Burkina Faso!

Project Burkina Faso
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