Company and Missions

Changing the world is a team effort. Discover our initiatives and take part in the change too.

Project Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the countries on the World Watch List. Men and women are persecuted, and Christian girls are abused, kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam. Christians who convert from Islam are most vulnerable to persecution by Islamic extremist groups
Company & Missions supports a group of around 200 people, including children and adults. This group is visited and accompanied by a pastor, who we send help to purchase food, Bibles, clothes and other items. However, for security reasons, it is not possible to disclose details of the work carried out in the region. However, for greater depth, this can be done by scheduling meetings between employees and Company & Missions.

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Project Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso rose from 32nd to 23rd place on the World Watch List in 2023. Across the country, there is strong pressure against Christians, in addition to strong violence. Followers of Jesus live in fear, as extremist groups are replacing the government, which causes many Christians to be impacted, in addition to churches, villages and work being affected. And miraculously, Company & Missions was able to support the development of an architectural design for a gospel learning, agriculture and food distribution school in Burkina Faso. A water well has already been found and now we are fighting for the construction of this school to take place so that young people and adults can study, learn about the word of God and still be fed and distribute food to the population. A real spiritual training and food distribution center will take place in Burkina Faso!

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Mission America

Company & Missions was present in the USA, evangelizing and preaching in New York, more precisely in the Bronx. Lives were saved in this nation. Therefore, there is a project to unite with missionaries living in the USA so that evangelism and the support of missionaries are not slowed down. It is worth remembering that despite being the land of the “American dream”, many problems also exist in the USA. And many young people are getting lost and heresies have been preached in churches. Furthermore, about 31% of current American Christians abandon their faith before the age of 30. There is a very strong spiritual war against the new generation and this scenario needs to be changed through prayer and the support of missionaries.

Support Mission America
man in black jacket and blue denim jeans standing beside brown wooden box trailer during daytime

Project Bulgaria

Company & Missions will support a mission camp with Turkish children in Bulgaria. The project is led by Pastor Levi and his wife. Company & Missions aims to visit the field, taking a team to train missions and support children. It is worth remembering that this country also needs a lot of prayer, as the Bulgarian government has already been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights for violating the right to religious freedom of evangelical Christians in the country.

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Mission Brazil

In Brazil, Company & Missions is creating a project with missionaries in 8 segments with a lack of evangelism and support: Indigenous people, riverside dwellers, gypsies, country people, Quilombolas, immigrants, deaf and mute people, people with high purchasing power. Company & Missions has already participated in supporting missions among riverside dwellers and indigenous people. Therefore, the new project supports a team of missionaries already present in different segments and regions of Brazil.

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Project Greece

One of Company & Missions' dreams is to preach the gospel and support missionaries in the so-called "cradle of humanity". Greece was one of the first countries to be Christianized, but currently ranks 62nd in the list of Christians persecuted for the gospel. The laws of the Greek Constitution are not neutral regarding religious freedom, which is why many evangelicals are sued by Orthodox leaders, accusing Christians of proselytism.

Current data indicate that the mass of evangelicals in Greece is almost imperceptible. Thus, Company & Missions supports Greece both in prayer and in the development of an embryo project to support missionaries in the field of Thessalonica, Athens, Peloponnese and other Greek regions.

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Mission Japan

Company & Missions also targets a project in Japan, but it becomes impossible to win the Japanese to Christ if we do not have a strong and strategic army. We are sure that one of the allies for this mission are young people, who in addition to being able to pray, will also be able to master the Japanese and English languages to be able to talk about the love of Jesus with the Japanese. Our goal is to reach this nation, send young people to this nation and thus support missionaries already in the field to pray, learn the culture and thus be able to shine Christ in Japan.

Support Mission Japan
Cherry blossoms in the park, Uji city, Kyoto, Japan

Project Italy

It is one of the countries where love for the Lord has cooled. Italy is a difficult country for missions, even known as a "missionary cemetery". To live in Italy is to be sure of your calling and firm in the presence of the Eternal Father. And, although there is no lack of church or religiosity, it is a country that mixes the occult and Christianity. Of the 60 million inhabitants, approximately 82% declare themselves Christians, but only 0.63% are evangelicals. And one of the sadnesses is the lack of renunciation and abstinence from alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and a diversity of attitudes that are practiced and seen even in leadership within churches. The fact is that in a large percentage of "so-called Christians" and churches, the holy and the profane mix and, unfortunately, Holiness to the Lord is seen as extremism. Young people who get lost even within churches due to the lack of firm and convinced leadership. And that's why Company & Missions has a team in Italy that preaches Holiness to the Lord, distributes Bibles and holds prayer meetings in favor of nations and missionaries around the world.

Support Project Italy
Spring in Tuscany, Italy
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